Reasons why you Should not Use Free Custom Blogger Template

Reasons why you Should not Use Free Custom Blogger Template

"Every hard work definitely pays back", this is the acronym of blogger custom template designers who design blogger templates and place them on sale or sometimes for free. First question why buying when you can get it for free? Yes they will write a brief description on it to make you love the template and get deceived into getting for free. Well my advice. Don't!.. lets take a look at my reasons.

Reasons why you Should not Use Free Custom Blogger Template

Before we continue, do keep in mind that anyone that placed a pot of soup on the stove has a reason and if he choose to give you for free, there is also a reason.

1. Limitations

If you are new in blogging ( Read: How to become successful in Blogging) you probably won't realize this until you have worked hard and gone in and out of it. Back at my early days of blogging i found it interesting and was busy downloading free custom templates but i didn't know it was actually limiting me until the day i went to my customization panel for the first time after installation.

Then i figured out that i could not even change not a thing. Everything was all clouded all over my head. Could not change the theme colour, neither could i change fonts, i was just stocked in one single routine. Got angry and decided to download a different template hoping that my former was faulting. Well it all turned out to be same.

Advanced bloggers would change most of this settings in the HTML panel. Yes it works nut most of the victims here are not advanced and not just that you can change lot of things but it won't be as flexible as the default templates created by blogger itself.

The above problem of you not being able to change settings in the customization panel can be rectified by using a blogger set mobile template while installing your custom template but what about after settings? you would have to turn off mobile view and get stocked with some template you can never change. (Read: How to choose the best blogging platfrom)

2. Auto Redirecting

Have you tried visiting your blog with a mobile phone? (Try using UC browser) it auto redirects to the template designer's site in other words taking your readers to another website and depriving them from viewing your contents. When downloading such templates it says "Credit links are placed on your site to appreciate the template designer'. Yes they will add the credit link but they will also add JavaScript that will auto redirect all links in your blog.

Who would trade his fans and followers for just a template when you can create a beautiful template for yourself in no time. I was once a victim of this, this is why i understand what custom template cause to us and what it takes from us. Among all the templates i have actually used only one beats all these disadvantages but it is not mobile responsive.

When i was still using my first platform "Ijokos Blog' before it got hacked i used helplogger CustomizeMe (Download CustomizeMe Blogger template) blogger template and it quite acted well for me but since then all what they do is give you a template which they claim to be responsive, SEO packed and fast loading for our readers.

3. Lack of Uniqueness

When you use a blogger custom template you stand to share your uniqueness with other persons that downloaded same template. You might edit the look and colours but you can not edit the frame and functionality. Now imaging over three entertainment websites using the same template?. Readers can hard identify them and that will pull up fading faith in your content.

Now this is why you should design your own blogger template, to get all the credits all to yourself. So your readers will value your content and see you real. Beauty is the first attraction this is why you should not hide behind the make up. Make something for your self and mess around with the template. Blogging is meant to be fun not a copy paste stuff.

4. Easily Usage

Personally designed templates are easier to use than custom template because when you design a template for yourself you will definitely understand all the steps and procedures you took making it possible for you to edit and change anything anytime without worrying about loosing important stuff in your blog.

Free Custom templates prevents you from understanding some things in your blog. I knew this few months back and if you are a regular reader of this blog you would notice me changing from a very beautiful custom blogger template to this my personally designed template. In case you want to know i only made some changes to the blogger default simple template and here i am with this master piece i love so much. You can do same too.

5.  Wrong Script Templates

Have you ever shared a post to your Facebook account or page? (Read: How to add facebook fan page to Blogger) And did you notice it showing the wrong thumbnail image? Well mine once did and recently i noticed a co blogger with same problem. It is caused by wrong script and this happen because some template designers work with time which might lead them into placing the wrong codes. Causing your template to face some problems.

This same wrong script lead your template into malfunctioning, and sometimes take more time to load . Do you also know that a little problem with all these custom templates can lead your blog from being totally removed from Google search? Well that is SEO bomb and you better don't be a victim. Aside these problems you face problem of your H1, H2, H3, H4 tags being miss used so be careful so you don't get into all these above listed problems. (Tired of Blogger? then read: The List of Best blogging platforms)

I advice you to read tutorials on all these blogging sites including my favourite Helpblogger, and others so you can learn how to use all these scripts yourself and make your blog extremely beautiful and functioning. And read future articles to learn how to do all these things yourself. "A Jamaican would say Beg water can not Boil Egg".

I hope this article has opened your eyes to see the secret behind all these free custom blogger templates and the dangers. Share your thoughts and stories below, Am here 24/7 to reply to your comment. Happy blogging

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